Nutri Spray CNB


Nutri CNB - Calcium Nitrate with Boron : (15.5% N + 18% Ca + 0.3% B)

Vital for the growth, physical strength, owering, fertilization and fruit set of the plants. Highly water soluble for foliar applications. Increases uptake of other nutrients and provides uniform shape and color to produce. Improves the strength of cell wall and plant growth, soil health Improves crop’s and product’s luster quality and storage longevity. Improves tolerance to diseases, pests and environmental stress such as drought, food, water logging, excessive heat, frost etc. Increases yield both qualitatively and quantitatively.
For All Crops
For drip as per the crop schedule
For foliar application 1000 gm per acre
Available in

1000 gm, 25 kg

* For foliar application recommended water quantity is 200 liters per acre.

* Farmer can apply this product based on the crop need.

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